T h e O r i g i n a l S o u n d t r a c k s O f L e g e n d a r y O l d G a m e s F u l l y T a g g e d///
Stephen Rippy has been the series' music director since the first game.
He has had occasional help from his brother, David Rippy, as well as Kevin McMullan.
He created the original music in Age of Empires with sounds of instruments from the periods in the game.
These sounds came from actual instruments, and their digital samples.
The tunes were the result of extensive research on the cultures, styles, and instruments used.
Rippy said sound development on The Age of Kings was easier, since there was knowledge of the instruments used in the Middle Ages.
Therefore, they were able to reproduce the tunes for the soundtrack of the game.
According to McMullan, the team also collected large numbers of audio recordings from zoos, and created "a massive sound library of [their] own material."
The music of Age of Empires III was similar to The Age of Kings, in which the team used more historical instruments;
Rippy noted the team used instruments such as "bagpipes and field drums" to give it a realistic feel.
Everything comes properly tagged and with the game's cover.
The MIDI files have RMI tags as well! The numeroted MIDI tracks are actually the original intern name of these songs.
Age Of Empires I (MIDI)///
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Song #1
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Fretless Salsa
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Song #3
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Song #4
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Medieval Melody
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Song #6
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Mix of the Great Books
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - The Capture
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - The Journey
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Discovery at Sea
Download link///
Code: |
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=342S8U58 |
Age Of Empires I: The Rise Of Rome (MIDI)///
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Tango Alpha Bravo
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Polyester Jammy
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Hyman's Wrath (MIDI Version)
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Mix of the Great Books
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Mean (Ain't No Hip-Hop In Tha House Mix)
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Medieval Melody
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Rocky Roads
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Kitty's Song
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Fretless Salsa
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Bigelow's Bungalow (MIDI Version)
Download link///
Code: |
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A7V3271J |
Age Of Empires I///
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - The Hunt
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Marching Forward
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Discovery at Sea
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Conquest
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Awakening Spirits
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Dawn of a New Age
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - The Wind Gods
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - The Emergence
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - The Journey
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Eastern Echoes
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Egyptian Hymn
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - The Capture
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - New Technology
Download link///
Code: |
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AJE4YC60 |
Age Of Empires I: The Rise Of Rome///
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Title Screen
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Win
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Loss
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Tango Alpha Bravo
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Polyester Jammy
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Hyman's Wrath
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Mix of the Great Books
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Mean (Ain't No Hip-Hop In Tha House Mix)
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Medieval Melody
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Rocky Roads
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Kitty's Song
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Fretless Salsa
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Bigelow's Bungalow
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Rise of Rome Credits
Download link///
Code: |
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z1G4441A |
Age Of Empires II: The Age Of Kings///
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Shamburger
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - I Will Beat On Your Behind
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Drizzle (Firelight Smoove Mix)
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Machina del Diablo
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - T Station
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Bass Bag
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Ride, Lawrence, Ride!
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Smells Like Crickets, Tastes Like Chicken
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Operation: Monkey
David Rippy & Stephen Rippy - Tazer
Download link///
Code: |
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1KHRFUBB |
Age Of Empires II: The Conquerors///
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Pork Parts
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Pudding Pie
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Tide Me Over Warm 'em Ups
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Voodoodoodoo
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - The Bovinian Derivative
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Case in Point: Paste
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Mountain Lie On / Samus and Chamois
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Subotai Defeats the Knights Templar
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Roi-r! / Basura! Basura!
Stephen Rippy & Kevin McMullan - Neep Ninny-Bod
Download link///
Code: |
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VXJ2AWZI |
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Enjoy guys!
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